Looking Back: Months IRL are like Years in Tech

Much has happened since my last blog post. Back in September, I discussed my strategy on investing in bitcoin. And since then, we've seen everything from unbelievable all-time-highs to panic-inducing corrections. In that roller-coaster of a ride, I've grown to have a certain respect for and confidence in Bitcoin. Not in its price or valuation per se, but in its fundamental power — in both the blockchain technology that underlies it and its future as a store of value. And my strategy from September holds strong.

While much has happened in the world of crypto, even more has happened in the broader world of tech. We've seen major acquisitions, milestones in space exploration, and audio/voice take front and center stage, to name just a few.

And in the past couple of months since my last post, I've done quite a bit of cool stuff with even cooler people. Over the next few weeks, I'll be going into more depth in separate posts on some of the interesting side projects (and learning experiences) I have been involved with, including:

  • Designing an interface for an Ethereum price tracker
  • Experimenting with JavaScript and APIs through an utterly useless app for the lols
  • Hosting a Web Development workshop at the University of Connecticut

I'm excited to share these past experiences, as there is a lot of catching up to do (hence the title of this post). But onto the future.

Despite being in and around technology for close to the past decade, I can confidently say that I've never been more excited for what lies ahead than I am right now.

With the continued permeation of tech (along with the new ideas, people, and perspectives that come with it) into traditionally static industries, there is so much more to build, and so many more ways to use the power of technology through design, information, and connection to improve the world for everyone across the globe. We have only just begun.

Going forward, there are three key things I'm watching closely and will be looking to examine especially from a design and user experience perspective.

Three Things I'm Watching

Machine Learning

Without a doubt, machine learning is top-of-mind for most of the tech world right now, and will likely continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

What I'm watching more specifically are the design implications and ways to integrate the results of machine learning (new insights and data) into readily digestible information that helps improve user experience.

In other words, with even more data available to the user, how can we make sure it's exactly what the user needs (seamless continuity from ML to user)?


While Bitcoin's price (and the broader crypto market capitalization) may have corrected severely in recent weeks, it hasn't stopped or even slowed the development of blockchain tech.

We've seen a number of products and services emerge to fuel the market, including new consumer-facing features from apps like Robinhood looking to introduce crypto trading to the masses, and institutions like CBOE, CME Group, and possibly Nasdaq offering futures products around Bitcoin.

We've also seen tremendous interest from the financial sector in utilizing blockchain technology itself to optimize their processes. This is what I'm watching closely. How can blockchain tech be applied to streamline the stock, bond, and derivatives markets, and the often complicated/convoluted processes within them for more effectively facilitating/recording transactions and connecting the parties involved?


Voice is the new touchscreen. As we've seen through Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri, voice is becoming an integral part in the way we interface with computers and vice versa.

As voice and audio continue to lead the way, new ways to experience products, services, and applications are right around the corner. From a user experience perspective, how can we make the most of voice to better serve users in ways even the touchscreen couldn't?

Another consideration with voice/audio is the growing need for advertisers to optimize sound around their audience. At Veritonic, we've been helping brands do just that. With the tools available to analyze audio effectiveness, brands can now more effectively connect with their customers beyond the screen.

While these three things (Machine Learning, Crypto, and Voice) are each individually at the top of my mind, I am also interested in the possibility of overlap between some or all of these technologies.

Going forward, I will be watching how these areas expand, and looking to design, develop, and build solutions in these spaces.

Awesome stuff to come!

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